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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Stage 3: Monesteriu-Seroiro

This large track allows us for going to the council of Cangas del Narcea to the council of Ibias. IT has impressive views over the Carondio and Valledor Sierra, the Seroiro Sierra and the Muniellos Nature Reserve.

Coordenadas GPS:Latitud: 43° 549,6968Norte - Longitud: 6° 4332,2356Oeste
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Origin: Monesteriu

Duration: : 6,50 h.

Distance. 20,70 km (one way)

Difficulty: High

Ascent gradient: 910 m.

Descent gradient: 980 m.

Type: path

Crossing: allowed from 16th july to 30th november

GR.203 Por donde camina el oso. Etapa 3. Monasterio del Coto - Seroiro Descargar el fichero


The mountain pass that communicates the councils of Cangas del Narcea and Ibias is called Pozo de las Mujeres Muertas (Well of Death Women). This name has no relationship with the legend of a storm that produced that situation to a group of women. The name is because of a bad translation of the words ‘mol.lares muertas’ (soft terrain where water is held back).


You should go over the village of Seroiro, with red architecture and labour lands that explain the agricultural uses of this region. From the small village of Dou there is a splendid view over the Seroiro fields.

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