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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Da Hucha

Know Ibias through this thematic track of the Da Hucha Dolmen (Neolithic funeral monument). It is a walk by the Campa de Centenales and its north hillside would help you to understand the landscape of this part of the region: rocky mountains, screes or hill without woods on their lower part.

Coordenadas GPS:Latitud: 43° 258,776Norte - Longitud: 6° 493,6084Oeste
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Origin: Pradias

Duration: 2 h. 10 min.

Distance: 7,27 km  (one way)

Dificulty: Media

Gradient:  492 m.

Type: track

Ruta Da Hucha Descargar el fichero


Pradias villaje, in the origin of the track. It is a good example of traditional architecture: big Stone houses with decorated wooden parts in bright colours (red, blue or green). The grape arbors along the path are an emblem of the area.


The dolmens are located over the top of the hills. Clearly visible places  were used to located them. Their funerary function is a reference of the property of the places where they are situated.

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