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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Stage 8: Zarréu-El Puertu

This is a route located in a land of contrast, a territory where the most exuberant nature shares thje space with coal mines from the beginning of the XX century. Zarréu is a proof of the mining life of the region, that is still alive. The path is along the border of León, using mountains passes that need to be gone over carefully in winter. On the other hand, these paths will enjoy you. They are, without a doubt, used by bears.

Coordenadas GPS:Latitud: 42° 5642,306Norte - Longitud: 6° 2938,8752Oeste
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Origin: Zarréu

Duration: 6 h

Distance: 20,12 km (one way)

Difficulty: Media

Ascent gradient: 1083 m.

Descent gradient: 495 m

Type : track

Crossing: Bosque de Zarréu Stage allowed from 1st July to 15 August.


SISTERNA. Hotel-Restaurante Tixileiro. (Restaurante y Alojamiento) 985818707

TABLAO. Quei Vitorino (Alojamiento. Artesanía y Turismo Activo). 659555077

FONDOS DE VEGA. Casa de Aldea Casa Martín (Alojamiento) .627564841. Casa de Aldea Casa Buela (Alojamiento).985818834

DEGAÑA. La Posada del Gobernador (Restaurante). 985818741

CERREDO. Apartamentos Tía María (Alojamiento). 620564504. Restaurante La Txariega (Restaurante). 985818313

LEITARIEGOS. Casa de Aldea Elvira (Alojamiento). 606976373


At the beginning of the XX century, the coal mining was established in key points of the region. But it was in the 40’s when its production was increased. It is an activity that has suffered a decrease in the last few years. That has allowed to recover a lot of natural spaces. Nowadays there are only a few mines that continue working.


A walk by Zarréu to discover the beautiful church of Santa María, a cultural heritage site.

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