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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Stage 1: Courias-Las Defradas

Open your eyes! You have the opportunity to discover the territories of Piñolo Count, our ‘mountain-climbing cows’ and the mountains where they stand, protected by modest chapels. This is a generous track that finishes getting you closer to the Romans gold mines.

Don’t lose this attractive experience, that has infinitive details of our history, culture and other peculiarities of the region, in a landscape transformed by human action.

Coordenadas GPS:Latitud: 43° 1140,2324Norte - Longitud: 6° 3241,064Oeste
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Origin: Courias

Duration: 6 h. 10m

Distance: 21,33 km. (one way)

Difficulty: Media

Ascent gradient: 1040 m.

Descent gradient: 600 m.

Type: path


It is thought that on the top of Santana there was a castle, and their ruins were used to built the Courias Monastery.

This region is one of the biggest producers of IPG Ternera Asturiana red meat. The meat of our mountain-climbing cows, bred outdoors in mountain meadows, has a great flavour and a better texture. You can try it in every restaurant.


Before starting the track in Corias, you can visit the Fuentes del Narcea Natural Park House and the Corias Monastery (there is a guided tour available to know the church and some parts of the monastery that has been converted into a Parador Nacional) and know the asturian viticulture, visiting the Monasterio de Corias winery.

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