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#CangasdelNarcea #Degaña #Ibias

Wild Watching, fuentes del narcea, cangas del narcea, asturias, degaña, ibias, bear,


One of the main atractives of Fuentes del Narcea is their espectacular nature environment and its particular wild life.

Oso en Fuentes del Narcea
caballos en Fuentes del Narcea
Rebecos en Fuentes del Narcea

There are not many places in the world where you can, in the same day, enjoy views over the mountains and ancient forest, and at the same time, observing wild life that you won’t find in other places, like the Cantabric brown bear which is really difficult to see in freedom.

Fuentes del Narcea is one of those places where, if you are lucky and patient, and sharp your senses, you will have the opportunity to see this great plantigrade and many other animals. In the air, in land or in the rivers and lakes... Life in our mountains is countless.

The great diversity of the habitats made our region the perfect place to discover the fauna of Asturias, although it is not an easy work. While walking, you can observe the most common animals, but the watching of hidden species needs more patient, ability and luck.

A nature guide and a pair of binoculars will help you

Natur. Nature and Tourism

Telephon number: 609 54 77 88 - 619 92 61 32



Routes to know its tracks, evidences, biology, conservation problems and to try its conservation.


Routes to know its biology, tracks, habits and try their watching in nature.

Preferentially in spring and autumn, although it could be in every day of the year too.

Material: required guides, safe way of transports in the area, insurrence, binoculars, telescope and accommodation and meals if necessary.


Quei Vitorino Environmental experiences

Telephone number: 659 55 50 77



Trips to know better the Iberian wolf. Discover how it is, what it does and what it eats by taking an excursion by our mountains.

The best season to do it is winter (December, January and February), when the Iberian wolf heat and its mobility is higher.


Life the opportunity to know more over the bear in this area, that has the highest number of population and procreation rate of the Cordillera Cantábrica.

The best season to do it is autumn and the months of April and May.

Material: guides, insurrrance, binoculars, telescopes and accommodation and meals if necessary.

Mirada Astur

Telephone number: 628 458 138


Las actividades se realizan en el entorno de Leitariegos, donde el ritmo de vida se ralentiza poco a poco para dejar espacio al desarrollo de la naturaleza más pura, alejándonos del frenesí de los núcleos urbanos.

Desde Mirada Astur quieren hacer disfrutar al visitante del entorno que los rodea a través de diferentes rutas interpretadas para conocer la flora y fauna que predomina en esta zona, aprendiendo a identificarla. Además, observar la huella que ha ido dejando el hombre en este paisaje con su modo de vida dedicado a la ganadería y la agricultura de subsistencia.

Avistamiento de especies tan emblemáticas y conocidas de nuestro territorio, como el Oso Pardo, el Gato Montés o la Liebre de Piornal, con la ayuda de potente material óptico de alta calidad, te hará disfrutar de todos los detalles del ciclo vital de nuestra fauna local, sin necesidad de causar la mínima molestia.

Points of interest